The old saying that ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ springs to mind when I think of the Wodonga Men’s Shed.

After being in hibernation for most of 2020, the shed has now reopened with a boom!

Freedom has seen an increase in demand from men wanting to join the shed – to be doing something useful and to find camaraderie.

There has also been an increase in requests for items from the community – such as animal sculptures for an Indigenous walk and furniture for pre-schools.

And just to hammer home the scale of new demand, the shed has now extended its hours to open on Saturdays.

Some men come along to work on their own projects, some on community projects, while others come for a cuppa and a chat. And it doesn’t matter – everyone is welcome at Wodonga Men’s Shed.

The Wodonga Men’s Shed is all about connection, care, and friendship.

And during the height of the pandemic, the committee was busy – putting in welfare calls to check up on their mates.

The increased membership of 84 shows what an important role Men’s Sheds play in our community, and I am pleased to see a number of Women’s Sheds also starting up.

I commend all involved with the Wodonga Men’s Shed, Bill Donovan, Mick McInerney, the committee, and all the members for making the most of this fantastic facility that is just an absolute shining star in our local community.

BUILDING COMMUNITY: Dick Odewahn and David (Dustcoat) Graves install a dust extractor for Wodonga Men’s Shed’s new drop saw. Image: Wodonga Men’s Shed

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