

September 19, 2024

Out of school care services in Indi face imminent closure without Government action: Haines

This is a problem of the government’s making and something they need to step in and fix it.

September 12, 2024

Haines: Major parties orchestrate a stitch up on new Parliamentary Code of Conduct

I want to see more transparency around this process.

September 11, 2024

Royal Commission report a sobering response to suicide crisis

It is clear that governments need to do more to make the health and wellbeing of our defence personnel an active and long-term priority, not just during their service, but also when they transition to civilian life and beyond.

September 11, 2024

Scammers are organised criminal groups, stealing money from Australians

They aren’t opportunists; they’re organised criminal groups that make use of any and all technologies to steal money from Australians at every age, from every demographic. It is despicable stuff.

September 11, 2024

Will the Government stand by while vital childcare services close?

Will the minister stand by while vital childcare services close due to a lack of government funding?

September 11, 2024

Australians are tired of politicans making up their own rules and hiding behind them

We are at a moment in our democracy that the people of Australia have been waiting a long time for—that is, to take responsibility for our actions.

September 10, 2024

Meeting the standards Australians hold us to

With one voice, we recognise that we must do better—that we must meet the standards the public holds us to and that we hold ourselves to.

September 9, 2024

Prac payments should be expanded to include degrees in allied health

As a regional Independent, I will ensure the education needs of regional, rural and remote Australia are strongly represented.

September 9, 2024

We need trust and confidence in the Future Made in Australia Bill

I would argue that my amendments will help fix the holes in the government’s current plan, and I urge the government to support my amendments.

September 6, 2024

Haines renews call for greater oversight and transparency of Future Made in Australia program

The public deserves assurance that billions of dollars of their money is being spent responsibly and with integrity, to prevent any pork barrelling occurring under this government, or indeed future governments.


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