
Take the Indi Budget Survey now. It’ll only take 5 minutes!

What issues matter to you right now?

Reliable roads and rail? A good regional hospital? Affordable housing? Or accessible mental health support for our kids?

The 2021 Budget is the Government’s plan. It will affect daily life for us in Indi in many ways. Today, I want to know what you think.

Take my Indi Budget Survey now!

I want to hear your thoughts on regional infrastructure, aged care, mental health and more.

As an independent MP, I listen carefully and consult with you regularly, so I know what’s important.

This survey will help me understand what matters to you and help me represent your interests here at home and in Parliament.

Your feedback will guide my response to the Budget – which proposals are good, and which need more work.

I’ll publish the results and use this survey in my Budget in Reply speech in Parliament in the coming weeks.

Please spend five minutes completing my Indi Budget Survey.

I’d like to get over 1000 responses. If your family and friends in Indi complete this survey too, I’ll have the best picture of what our electorate needs, so please send it on to them.

The Budget isn’t just a big night of spin. It’s your money. It’s your future. And your opinions matter.

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