

I’d like to put on the Hansard my agreement with the member for Hughes. There are many, many things that we disagree on, but on this occasion I agree with him.

The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters recommended that the party membership threshold should be raised to 1,000, not to 1,500. I’m a great champion of participating in our democracy, and I agree with the member for Hughes: we need greater diversity in our parliament, not less.

I’ve been a vocal spokeswoman for gender equality in this parliament and for greater diversity—for people of colour and people from different backgrounds—and I think that these amendments from the member for Hughes are, indeed, reasonable and moderate and in line with the committee’s findings. I’m pleased to support these amendments. I think they are sensible and good. As I said, democracy is what we’re trying to improve. There is nothing as important to this parliament as a solid and diverse representation in the House, and I support these amendments.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER ( Mr Vasta ): The question is that the amendments be disagreed to.

A division having been called and the bells having been rung—

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: As there are fewer than five members on the side for the noes, I declare the question resolved in the affirmative in accordance with standing order 127. The names of those members who are in the minority will be recorded in the Votes and Proceedings.

Question agreed to, Dr Haines and Mr Kelly voting no.

Bill agreed to.

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