
When former High Court Justice Mary Gaudron and Tony Fitzgerald put their names to something, you would be a fool to ignore it.

Yet that’s what this Government is doing. Ignoring the 59 eminent Australians who yesterday sent an open letter to the PM demanding a strong integrity commission.

In December 2018 the PM promised us an integrity commission. On the 8th of September it will be 1,000 days and 1000 excuses since he made that promise. We’re still waiting.

The Government has consulted on its dud model for almost three years. 333 submissions in its last round. Only two had anything positive to say. None supported it as a whole. It’s simply unsalvageable.

The Government knows that. The Opposition knows that. Every Australian knows it.

This Government went to the last election promising to deliver an integrity commission.

But there was zero dollars and zero staff in this year’s Budget. The new Attorney-General has admitted we won’t see a Government bill before at least 2022.

That sounds like a broken election promise to me.

Nearly 9 in 10 Australians want an integrity commission. They don’t care who it comes from.

So the PM has two choices. Deliver a robust integrity commission now. Or step aside, and let Parliament vote on my Australian Federal Integrity Commission Bill.

There are good MPs on all sides of this House. Government backbenchers. Who want to see this done. Let’s get it done.

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