

March 28, 2024

Government has not listened to farmers, must go back to the drawing board on biosecurity levy: Haines

Agriculture is a major employer for Indi, with more than 5,000 people working in forestry and fishing, fibre and food production.

March 27, 2024

Long-overdue reforms to curb the use of vapes in Australia

Time and time again, people tell me that vaping is highly addictive. That’s why this bill is needed, to help people make healthier informed choices.

March 27, 2024

Removing requirements for collaborative arrangements

The challenges facing our health system are enormous. We need only to look at the data to see that.

March 26, 2024

Calling out Labor’s rushed immigration laws

If this is the best democracy that this Labor Government can give us on an issue as important as immigration then I am sorely disappointed in this Labor Government…

March 26, 2024

A message for the federal, Victorian and NSW Governments on the Albury Hospital redevelopment

We need the federal, NSW and Victorian Governments to all come together and commit to addressing our needs, now and into the future and funding it properly so we get the single-site world-class hospital we need and deserve. 

March 25, 2024

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment (Safety and Other Measures) Bill 2024

My constituents dearly value our natural environment. They need to protect it and they want the government to help them do so.

March 25, 2024

Scams are a crime as old as time

Scams are becoming more and more sophisticated every day, and they could be coming for any one of us.

March 25, 2024

The renewables transition must happen with regional communities, not to them

As an Independent, I stand ready to work with the Government on ensuring regional Australia realises the prosperous future it deserves.  

March 21, 2024

Strengthening the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

I am hopeful that these amendments will deliver on the merits based process that this government promised, but only time will tell.

March 21, 2024

The Rutherglen bypass must be delivered

This Government must also act to increase funding for rural and regional roads – our safety depends on it. 


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