

February 26, 2024

The key to unlocking regional housing is enabling infrastructure

Those at the forefront of the regional housing crisis back the regional housing infrastructure fund that I put forward and it is time that members of this place, both the opposition and the government, did so too.

February 26, 2024

Honouring women in war

With great pride, I recently joined more than 300 community members at the Violet Town RSL sub-branch for the unveiling of the Women in War memorial mural, a project conceived in 2019 by RSL member Jenni Kennedy to honour local women who have served during times of war.

February 26, 2024

Ending easy access for lobbyists

We must have fairness in access to decision-makers. We must make sure that those with power don’t have the greatest propensity to exercise it when it comes to elected members, ministers and decisions of this parliament.

February 26, 2024

Haines introduces Bill to stop major party rorts

At its best, pork barrelling is maladministration, at its worst its corruption. The solutions I have put forward in this Bill are practical reporting measures that ensure that the Parliament, and the public, know how funding decisions are made, and why grants are awarded

February 26, 2024

Ending pork barrelling

And we must end pork barrelling. It is another critical pillar to restoring public trust in government, and in democracy.

February 19, 2024

Community invited to End Pork Barrelling at interactive forum

Australians know when they’re getting pork barrelled, they know they are getting ripped off, it lacks integrity and they’re sick of it

February 15, 2024

Supporting the Wangaratta Men’s Shed

Today I rise to celebrate the generosity and resilience of our regional communities. Recently the Wangaratta and District Men’s Shed in my electorate of Indi fell afoul of an online scam, robbing them of $25,000.

February 14, 2024

Regulating internet providers so we get better service

In every Australian household, and especially in country areas, we’re relying on the internet more than ever. It is an essential service.

February 13, 2024

Regional Housing Summit – Keynote Address

Until we see that funding flow to the regions, I will not be backing down on my calls and I say to you, don’t back down on yours.

February 12, 2024

Educators are the key to our education system

I want to see young regional Australians given the same opportunities as those young people in the cities.


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